i am soo in love with the songs in the 2nd album!!
but still hate their concept... especially their hairstyle...
SHINee - Lucifer (2nd Album)
01. Up & Down (Part1) (Part2)
02. Lucifer (Part1) (Part2) (Part3) (Part4) (Part5)
03. Electric Heart (Part1) (Part2)
04. A-Yo
05. 욕 (慾) (Obsession)
06. 화살 (Quasimodo)
07. 악 (Shout Out)
08. WOWOWOW (Part1) (Part2)
09. Your Name
10. Life
11. Ready Or Not (Part1) (Part2)
12. Love Pain
13. 사.계.후 (Love Still Goes On)